MOD 600X/1000 (Trunnion End Units)

Rated at 1000 tonnes up to 21m (30° STV).
See load table for WLL at longer spans.

MOD 600X/1000 (Trunnion End Units)

More Information

Trunnion End Units allow the beam to rotate, providing greater flexibility and ease of movement during lifting operations. This feature enhances maneuverability, reduces stress on the lifting equipment, and improves safety, making Trunnion End Units ideal for complex and dynamic lifting tasks.

Every Trunnion spreader consists of two End Units and intermediate struts that can be bolted into the assembly to achieve different spans. The Trunnion end unit is also compatible with existing Modulift struts. The TRUN MOD 600X/1000 has an assembled span ranging from 2 metres to 26 metres in 0.5 metre increments.

 We have multiple options for shipping and accessoires, depending on the spreader beam length and needs for your project.

  • Depending on the lenght needed for your lift we can ship the spreaderbeam fully or partially assembled.
  • Subject to the weight of the lift and/or your own equipment we can also supply the needed shackles and slings.

SL TRUN MOD 600X-1000 UI - APR2023

This is a modulift product

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For accurately measuring how much load you are hoisting.
All Loadlinks are supplied with Shackles.

For accurately measuring how much load you are hoisting.
All Loadlinks are supplied with Shackles.

Built according to the NEN EN 13155, this Multi Lug can be doubled in size.

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